"I Can't Even Right Now!"

S5_E04. Pressure of Perfection: When Your Story Won’t Speak (& Your Characters Don’t Either)

February 27, 20251 min read

Feeling like you have to land on the perfect idea can often freeze you in your tracks. What do you do when it seems like every idea isn’t good enough? How do you keep moving forward when the pressure to create the perfect story is overwhelming?

You’ve probably heard other writers talk about their characters “speaking” to them, but what happens when that doesn’t happen for you? Is something wrong, or are you missing an essential piece of the writing puzzle?

Join us in this episode as we explore these common struggles and share insights on how to navigate through them. You’ll want to tune in to hear how to keep your writing moving forward, even when the pressure is high and your characters are quiet.

This episode has been pulled from one of the live coaching sessions that you'll have exclusive access to by purchasing any one of the online writing courses offered by The Storyteller's Mission. Check them out!

Seven Deadly Plot Points FREE TRAINING VIDEO!

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