This course will teach you how to master the technical components of industry standard formatting while elevating your storytelling craft. Learn to avoid common mistakes that signal amateur status, craft scripts that captivate Hollywood decision-makers, and bridge the gap between technical precision and creative artistry.
"I've never experienced a more practical and helpful writing program than FORMATTING AS AN ARTFORM."
"Zena Dell Lowe's FORMATTING AS AN ARTFORM is the best online course I've ever taken."
Mistakes in formatting automatically signal to the reader that you're an amateur. Your script never even gets read. It goes straight into the garbage.
There's a common misconception that screenplays are dry, boring, technical documents but the best scripts are as riveting to read as your favorite novel.
You may have taken a course on screenwriting before, but chances are, you've never been taught what you
really need to know to excel.
✅ 5 Comprehensive and In-Depth Modules
✅ 25+ Hours of Practical, Easy-to-Apply Video Content Taught by Zena Dell Lowe
✅ Curated Selection of Designated Student Tutorials
✅ A Multitude of Helpful Handouts with In-Depth Examples and Explanations
✅ 15 Downloadable Full-Length Feature Scripts Written by Some of Hollywood's Greats
✅ 2 Self-Assessment Tests
✅ Multiple Writing Exercises and Assignments
✅ Walk-Through Tutorials of Final Draft and Other Tools to Help You
Crush It!
➡️ Overview of how to MAXIMIZE the DRAMATIC POTENTIAL of the MEDIUM and make your screenplays come alive.
➡️ The ESSENTIALS of Industry-Standard Formatting for Screenplays in MUCH MORE DEPTH than other courses, so that you’ll know WHAT the rules are, WHY they exist, WHEN to use them, and HOW to use them in a practical yet artistic way.
➡️ A SCENE-BY-SCENE APPROACH to writing screenplays so that you will be able to execute your scripts with excellence from the get-go.
➡️ How to KEEP YOUR READERS ENGAGED from the opening scene to the final FADE OUT.
➡️ DEFINITIVE RULES for SLUG LINES, ACTION LINES, TRANSITIONS, CAMERA DIRECTIONS and more, as well as the EXCEPTIONS -- all of those SPECIAL and HIDDEN RULES that no one tells you about.
➡️ The FOUR COMPONENT PARTS OF A SCENE and how scenes should unfold, including what information you need TO REVEAL at the beginning of each scene to SET THE TONE, USE VISUAL IMAGES, and CAPTURE the on-screen ACTION.
➡️ How to STRUCTURE the scene itself so that it's DYNAMIC, has its own ARC, DRIVES THE STORY FORWARD, and REVEALS the
INTERNAL EMOTIONAL ARC of your main character. (In other words, how to MILK IT for all it’s worth!).
➡️ How to include good SET-UPS and PAY-OFFS organically and BUILD SUSPENSE from the beginning of your story.
➡️ A crash course in FILM TERMINOLOGY so that you’ll be better equipped to write for the production process. It's like going to film school but better since you'll dive into the critical filmmaker areas that you need to know!
➡️ A breakdown of the FILMMAKING PROCESS as a whole, PRODUCTION PROTOCOLS, and YOUR ROLE in that process.
➡️ The TYPES OF SHOTS that are available to you to highlight as a screenwriter, plus WHEN and HOW to use them most effectively to achieve DEEPER LEVELS OF MEANING in your story.
➡️ How to write SOUND CUES and SPECIAL EFFECTS correctly, when to use (V.O.) versus (O.S.) versus (O.C.), how to "cheat" close-ups or highlight PROPS, CAMERA DIRECTIONS, MUSIC, SUPERS, and more. You'll learn to APPLY the RIGHT TOOLS at the RIGHT TIME to MAXIMIZE THE DRAMATIC POTENTIAL of your story.
➡️ What you must do to HOOK YOUR AUDIENCE and KEEP READERS emotionally ENGAGED in the MAIN CHARACTER ARC.
➡️ What INFORMATION is important and relevant in a CHARACTER INTRODUCTION and what to leave out, as well as how to INTRODUCE MULTIPLE CHARACTERS at one time without confusing your readers or overwhelming the audience.
➡️ Tons of REAL-LIFE EXAMPLES, HANDOUTS, SCRIPT EXCERPTS, VIDEO CLIPS, writing ASSIGNMENTS and even ASSESSMENTS to help you improve in a PRACTICAL way as you advance through the course.
➡️ An in-depth TUTORIAL of FINAL DRAFT so that you'll know which features of the screenwriting software are relevant to you versus which parts should only be used by a production company.
➡️ SCRIPT BINDING, COVER PAGES, and COMMON MISTAKES that screenwriters make upon submission that cause the powers-that-be to give them a pass.
➡️ And MORE, so much more!
"I wanted to hear you teach on screenwriting. And as it turned out, your
lectures were life changing for my writing."
"Your class was the single most important thing I needed to hear to take my
project from where it is now to something that will have that punch it was lacking. You are awesome!"
"Zena's ideas for refining the natural progression of my character's story arc prompted me to dub her, “The Yoda of Screenwriting”. I couldn't have asked for more. She is a God-send"
"Zena, I want to thank you personally for the amazing input you provided during this class. I think it's probably some of the best content I've heard in relation to writing in a long while."
You just have to be willing to do the hard work.
In "Formatting as an Artform," Zena shares her insider knowledge on how to elevate your writing by mastering the technical elements of screenplay format. She’ll show you how to use formatting not just to meet industry standards but to enhance the story’s flow, pace, and emotional impact.
Learn from Zena, a true industry veteran who understands that great screenwriting starts with mastering the craft from the inside out. Discover how to wield formatting as a powerful storytelling tool and ensure your screenplay stands out in a crowded market.
"You are a class act.
I thoroughly enjoyed your workshops. I will never look at movies the same. And I will never write the same."
"I have been looking over all the notes you provided. They are amazing. Your classes were great, but your generosity in sharing all of this information is the best I have ever seen from a teacher."
"Zena Dell Lowe captivates her audience. I could picture and understand what I need to do to enliven my stories. Her passion instilled in me a new excitement to become a better writer."
"Zena is an incredible teacher! She encourages your creativity, but also
makes sure you have both the imagination and the technical know-how to write an amazing screenplay. I wouldn’t be the creative writer I am today without her. I admire her so much."